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From Smartwatch to Simplicity: Why I Parted Ways with My Apple Watch

smart watch

I was so excited when I got my first Apple Watch. I was in my gym rat era, and loved having all of my workout data available to me in real time. I would challenge myself to close my rings daily, and took advantage of all the communication features it offered. Now, I find myself in a much different phase of life. My work has changed, my family has changed, and my lifestyle looks entirely different than it did before. Here is why I recently decided it was time to say "RIP" to my smart watch, and go back to basics.

I needed to unplug.

Once a huge benefit, I now did not need or want the all-day pinging of the watch. Incessant texts, emails, and social media notifications were stressing me out to the max - probably even more than I initially realized. And once I knew a message was there, it was hard to ignore it or get it off my mind. The value of a clear-head is high to me these days, and I want to pick and choose when and where I can be reached.

It became data overload.

It is possible to know too much, and it's easy to become obsessed and neurotic about how many steps you've taken, where your heart rate is, or how much (or little) you've been standing every day. Especially when I became pregnant the second time, I didn't want constant reminders that I was less active than normal. It actually started to make me feel bad about myself! I decided I would be in control of when I needed data from my daily life, and not have it thrown in my face every hour.


I wanted my arms free!


Though I got used to it, having something constantly attached to me was actually so annoying. I would put on my watch the second I got up, and take it off right before bed at night. Now I've got one less thing to worry about doing, charging, and utilizing. Like most of you, I am busy enough as it is! Less is more to me today.


I want to live as "analogue" as possible.


Technology is so important and valuable in so many ways. But let's face it - we've got a lot of it, and it's everywhere now. From a TV screen to wind down, to a phone to communicate, to a computer to work, and then screens everywhere you go in the world, too... I was just over it! Plus there's something authentically beautiful about an old-school watch. Something that does nothing more than keep the time, and even represent your individual taste - rather than being sucked into yet another consumer electronic that makes us all look the same. I want to adjust my life into a less-tech environment, and try to give the same to my children. They will be faced with as many screens in life as we adults are, so I'd rather limit it where I can, while I can.


It has a time and a place. (No pun intended.)


Is a smart watch a great asset for some people? 100%. There are so many good things and conveniences it can bring to your life, if you need it. But consider this: do you need to wear it every second of every day? They claim the signals aren't harmful, but I instinctively started questioning what I'm subjecting my body to with having something working off Bluetooth or cellular connectivity while attached to my wrist 16 hours a day. (This also why I am trying to not have my phone attached to me 24/7 either.) I also enjoy a tinfoil hat-wear now and again, and that part of me wonders, like with many things, if these studies or this info is not widely available for corporate profit-driven reasons. I'm sure if I were Apple, or any related companies, I would not want any information released about the health risks that could potentially be associated with, or attributed to, my top-selling product. Just my two cents! But I digress, the point is, if you need to utilize the features of wearable smart tech, use it! But if you don't truly need it, like me, it may be worth reevaluating the pro/cons of how it's serving you in your life. It took me a few days to "detox" from my Apple Watch (which I am borderline embarrassed to say), but honestly after that, I felt so free. It was weird! I didn't realize what a hold it sort of had on me, that I'd gotten completely accustomed to. Now I use my phone and computer when I need it, along with any other tech gadgets I have. But other than that, it's amazing how you feel once you unplug, and kick it old-school again. Cheers to simplicity, and letting technology help your life... and not run it.

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I'm Christine Elise!

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I'm an entrepreneur, vocalist, and content creator living the sweet life with my husband and 3 daughters in Tampa, FL. I love sharing all things lifestyle, family, business, and balancing a healthy + happy home.

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